Monday, December 24, 2012

Writing a novel

This novel-writing business is much harder than I thought it would be. You have to have a believeable world, likeable or hateable characters, and some sort of plot or storyline.

Or you could write something terrible.

At this point, I think I have to agree with this one vlogger I watched on youtube. Forgive me, Miss Awesome Vlogger, for forgetting your name momentarily. Sometimes you just need to WRITE. And even if it's crap, you wrote something. There's always this beautiful thing called editing.

Apparently I can't get better at writing if I don't practice. Funny, isn't it?

So, in my pursuit of forcing myself to write, I have offered up my creative services to my gaming group. In other words, I'm about to become... duh duh dun!... a dungeon master. *gasp* (For all those of you who still think D&D is demonic, satanic, or some research and don't believe everything you read on the internet. Sheesh. Besides, I play Pathfinder. Less calculus.)

What does this mean?

It means I am creating an awesome, storybook, fairytale world suitable for heroes and villains, lovers and fighters, singers and swordsmen. On the plains of my imaginary world my brave friends will venture to bring justice and right wrongs! It will not be unlike Arthurian legend, in some ways.

In other ways, however...I'm at a loss. I haven't completely created my  own world in YEARS! I used to do that sort of thing all the time, as a child. Good thing I still have stories from back then.

Anyway. I'm going to write this book. There will be epic battles, true character development, and perhaps some perspective-switching as I edit and re-write.

...but I promised myself I would write a novel, so write a novel I shall. And if it's any good, I'll share it.

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