Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Merry December

Last week was hard.

I had to re-evaluate so much of what I believed, both about myself and about the outside world. I don't like that what-so-ever.

So I write. I create. I dream and plan, and I envision the world as I want it to be, and then I figure out how to be the unicorn I want to see in the world.

I need to write more, so I'm challenging myself to at LEAST one blog post every week. Sometimes they'll be inspired. Often they won't be, but I told my students that writing every day is the ONLY way to get better at writing. I'm taking my own advice.

10 minute writing prompt (FULL DISCLOSURE: stolen from http://blog.ed.ted.com/2015/11/17/21-fun-things-to-write-about-in-10-minutes-or-less/)
Write the ad for an expensive new drug that improves bad posture. Now, list the possible side effects.

STRAYTERAN - the new posture aid that keeps improves your confidence, your health, and your interview prospects! Tests have shown a drastic increase in the oxygen flow through your body when you sit correctly, and you don't even have to be conscious of your body for it to work! Simply take one in the morning, and you're covered for all day!

Big presentation coming up at work? Don't stress- Strayteran is here for you! With a little chemical assistance, your posture will scream confidence! The alignment of your spine will also trigger all kinds of happy-making feelings in your brain as well, so you will not only appear more confident but you'll feel it too!

**(At this point in writing the ad, I realize that advertisements tend to have absolutely horrid sentence structure. I wonder what the research was that started all that, but not enough to look it up.)**

Side effects may include: dizziness, wheezing, loss of vision, severe brain trauma, calcified nodules in your left elbow, and death. Do not take Strayteran if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. Talk with your doctor about whether Strayteran is right for you!!


Well that was awful, but it's done.

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