Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Just Write it Down

The chronicles of my life even from just my perspective are overwhelming at best.

I've seen myself through countless tragedies and victories.

And I've found another battle to fight.

You'd think, after years of therapy and counseling and working through my issues that I would have found them all. It feels like betrayal on a grand scale to have one jump up and bite my face now. And yet, a new trigger has been found.

It takes me back to something so entirely harmless that it ignites the fears and anxieties I developed over years of memory loss. If I remember this thing, this one random thing that seems to have no significance- a classroom from freshman year with desks designed for individual use, where the chairs and table bits are connected, a flash of a picture I drew and colored, and a moment of remembrance from the textbook I read for that class.

And whatever it is put me in a state for longer than I care to admit but here we are anyway.

I write it down. I survive and I write it down. I find solutions and I survive and I write it down.

I have built up a mentality of abundance and I will not let this stop me...but I am definitely bulking up my adventuring party. Who's gonna be my healer?

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